1. 신청 방법 (How to apply)
MYSNU 접속 후 로그인(http://my.snu.ac.kr)→학사정보→기숙사→ BK국제관→ 입사신청
Log on http://my.snu.ac.kr → Academic Affairs → Dormitory → BK Int’l House → Apply to Move in
2. 신청자격 및 우선권 제도 (Eligibility & Priority)
1) 외국인 전임․기금․초빙․BK교수 및 전임대우강사
(Foreign professors, either under full time contract, funded or with visitor status)
2) 연구원심사위원회의 심의를 거쳐 임용된 외국인 연구원
(Foreign researchers appointed by the researcher Evaluation Committee)
3) 외국인 대학원 수료자 중 연구생 등록자
(Foreign graduate students undertaking post-graduate research)
4) 외국인 대학원생
(Foreign graduate students doing coursework)
5) 내국인 초빙교수
6) 본교 전임․기금․BK교수 및 연구원심사위원회의 심의를 거쳐 임용된 내국인 연구원
7) 운영위원회 심의에 의해 사용이 필요하다고 인정된 자
3. 현황(Accommodations)
Type |
Floor Space |
Number of Units |
thenumberofpersonsto beaccommodated |
Studio |
23.02(6.9 pyung) |
316 |
2 (applicant & his/her spouse) |
Two-Bedroom |
56.26(17.1 pyung) |
74 |
4 (applicant & his/her family member) |
4. 거주 기간(Period of Residence)
From three months to 2 years, professor & researchers can renew 1 year.
(But Research students & graduate students cannot exceed 2 year.)
l Excluded from consideration: Applicant who have already benefited full period of residence at BK int’l House.