
[모집] “안중근 글로벌 한국사 워크숍” 참가자 모집

Global Korean History Workshop:

The emergence of modern nations and the desire for peace in Asia


In the closing days of the Joseon dynasty, Koreans faced serious challenges to their nation’s independence, particularly Western and Japanese imperialism. Moreover, a host of new ideologies, including civilization and enlightenment thought, nationalism, Pan-Asianism, and Social Darwinism offered, different, and at times conflicting solutions, over how Koreans should meet these challenges. One particularly creative thinker, Junggeun Ahn, developed his own unique synthesis of these ideologies together with Confucianism and Catholicism, in an effort to build a peaceful, modern East Asia in which China, Japan, and Korea would cooperate in a mutually beneficial way. This workshop will explore Ahn’s synthesis through a study of relevant artifacts, exhibits, and historical documents related to Ahn, as well as discussions and lectures, and provide an opportunity for conversation about the application of Ahn’s ideas to the contemporary world.


When: July 30th thru August 1st, 2017

Venue: Ahn Junggeun Memorial Museum

And Sungkyunkwan University


Lecturer: Dr Franklin Rausch (Lander Univ.)

Participants: students from the U.S.A., Japan, and Korea

Moderator: Jieun Han, Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University


July 30th (Sunday)

18:00                Welcome Dinner


July 31st (Monday)

9:30-10:30         Memorial Museum Tour

10:40-11:00        coffee break

11:00-11:50        Lecture I: “Junggeun Ahn: His Family and Time“

11:50-12:30        Group Discussion: Readings from Ahn’s Autobiography


12:30               Lunch


14:40-15:30        Lecture II: “Ahn’s Trial and Execution“

15:30-16:30        Group Discussion: Examining Ahn’s Calligraphy

16:30               coffee break

17:00-18:00        Discussion: all participants


18:20               Dinner Reception


Aug 1st (Tuesday):

Venue: Sungkyunkwan University


9:30-10:20         Lecture III: “Ahn’s Dream of Peace“

10:30               coffee break

10:40-11:40        Roundtable Discussion: all participants                

12:00               Lunch


13:00-16:00        Tour and Excursion