
[안내] 39th NAGOYA FASHION CONTEST 2019 안내

1. Application Method

 Please send us design sketches. (E-mail submissions will not be accepted. Please see the attached application guidelines for details.)

2. Application Qualifications

 The contest is open to everyone (but participation by groups is not permitted). The applicant must be able to create works based on the design sketch, and attend the final public judging and the rehearsal the day before in person at his/her own cost in Nagoya City.

3. Deadline for Submissions

 Submissions must be received to the Nagoya Fashion Association by Thursday, May 16, 2019.

 * Postage must be paid by the applicant.

4. Application Fee

 Application fee is waived if the applicant lives outside of Japan.

5. Judges

 Hiromichi Nakano (fashion designer) /head judge

 Yumiko Hara (fashion director)

 Toshikazu Iwaya (fashion designer)

 Tamae Hirokawa (fashion designer)

6. Final Public Judging

 Thursday, September 12, 2019 at Design Hall (3rd Floor, Design Center Building, 3-18-1 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Japan)

 * The Final judging will take the form of a runway show with professional models, and will be open to the public.

7. Awards and Cash Prizes

 Grand Prize (1 winner): 1 million yen

 Gold Prize (1 winner): 300,000 yen

 Silver Prize (1 winner): 100,000 yen

 Encouragement Prize (a few winners): 50,000 yen

 Finalists (excluding prize winners): 30,000 yen

* The entry form can also be downloaded from the Nagoya Fashion Contest website. 

 (URL: www.n-fashion.com)

Please send submissions and inquiries to:

 Nagoya Fashion Association

 6th Floor, Design Center Building

 3-18-1 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya City 460-0008, Japan

 Tel: +81-52-265-2030 Fax: +81-52-265-2036 E-mail: nfa@n-fashion.com