
[교환학생] 2014 Spring SNU Exchange Student Program


2014학년도 제1학기 국제교환방문학생 모집공고

 2014 Spring SNU Exchange Student Program

– 아 래 –

1. 국제교환방문학생 모집 대상:

– 국제교환학생: 본교와 학생교류협정이 체결된 대학에서 추천을 받은 자로 서울대에서 1학기 또는 2학기 수학이 가능하며 등록금 면제 혜택을 받은 학생

– 국제방문학생: 본교와 학생교류협정이 체결되어 있지 않은 대학에 재학 중인 자로 서울대에서 1학기 또는 2학기 수학을 개별적으로 신청하고, 서울대에 등록금을 납입하는 학생

2. 모집마감일: 2013.10.20.

3. 전형방법: 서류전형

4. 제출서류:

– 국제교환학생: 지원서 1부, 재학증명서 1부, 성적증명서 1부, 추천서 2부, 지원동기서 1부, 여권 사본 1부

– 국제방문학생: 지원서 1부, 재적증명서 1부, 성적증명서 1부, 추천서 2부, 지원동기서 1부, 여권 사본 1부, 재정증명서 1부, 전형료

5. 결과발표: 12월초


붙임 : Admission Guideline and Application Form for 2014 Spring 1부



Exchange Student Program

Exchange program is for students in SNU’s partner universities who wish to study at SNU for one or two semesters and transfer credits to their home institution. The first official student exchange program launched in 1995 with the University of Tokyo and the number of institutions where they agreed for student exchange program has increased to 216 institutions all over the world. To be an exchange student, candidates must be officially nominated by their home institution and pay the tuition fee at their home institution. Fees for taking Korean language course offered by SNU LEI will be partially supported.

”Exchange Students” vs “Visiting Students”


Exchange Students

Visiting Students


Course choice is free of students’ choice
* Note: Some courses may have restrictions


Should enclose all the official transcript sealed

Tuition Fee

Should be paid at home institution

Pay at SNU


Apply through home institution

Apply directly at SNU
Pay the application fee (82,000 KRW)


Will be transferred

Ask home institution before applying

Official Transcript

Will be sent to home institution

Should ask at the Registrar’s Office to request for an issuance


Provided upon request

Not provided

Korean Language

Full or partial financial support will be provided

No financial subsidy available


Application Criteria & Process

1. Eligibility

1) Qualification                  

– Must be enrolled at least 2 semesters at home institute

– Have a GPA 3.0 or above / 4.0

– Language proficiency of either English or Korean is highly recommended, but not compulsory



IBT 88 or above



6.0 or above




Level 5 or above


Level 5 or above

 2) Restriction

– The College of Medicine is restricted to students who are currently studying medicine at their home university.

– The College of Dentistry  is open ONLY to masters level students currently enrolled in a master program at School of Dentistry or equivalent at their home university. The student exchange program is NOT available at the undergraduate level for the College of Dentistry.

– Applicants, who apply for the Korean History major, must provide a proof of Korean language ability.  A satisfactory level of Korean language ability should be either (1) Level 5 or above of official Korean Language Proficient Test or (2) Level 5 or above of the Korean Test conducted at the SNU Language Institute.

The College of Business Administration is restricted to students who are currently studying business or economics at their home university.

– MBA program does not accept exchange program through the OIA. In order to apply for an exchange program at MBA, please inquire at mba@snu.ac.kr

2. Application Procedure




Notification of Acceptance

Packages sent by:

Fall Semester

April 20


Early June

Mid June

Spring Semester

Oct 20


Early Dec

Mid Dec

 3. Document Submission

All documents should be submitted in ORIGINAL or verified as an official copy, and should be in Korean or in English.  If your documents are not in Korean or in English, please have your document translated in Korean or in English and have confirmed and sealed by an authorized body.  
Application documents are non-returnable once they have been submitted to the OIA

Please be aware that we will be unable to continue processing your application if you do not submit ALL the required application documents. 

 The required documents for applicants are as follows:


List of Required Documents

SNU form


One completed Application Form (Please type clearly your email address since most important announcements will be notified through email.).



A Statement of Purpose (Please use letter size paper 8½″ x 11″) (in English or in Korean)



Two Letters of Recommendation from two of your professors.  Please use the SNU letter of recommendation form.  One letter of the Recommendation must be written by a university professor at the current school which the applicant is attending.



Official University Transcript



A Certificate of Enrollment from the current university you are attending.



A copy of applicant’s passport



Two photographs (3 x 4)



Only for Fine Arts, Music, and Physical Education applicants:  Photographs of works/recording of performances


4. Screening Procedure

The OIA receives applications and reviews that all application requirements have been met.  The application packet is then forwarded to the screening committee of each college for assessment.  Not all candidates nominated by partner universities are successful. Some may fail to have an admission if the requirements do not meet the committee’s expectation.  When the acceptance is confirmed, the OIA notifies the result through students’ home institution.  The OIA is not responsible for the selection process and its results since the decision is made by each college.

 5. Acceptance Package

The acceptance package will include Certificate of Admission (not for Korean national), Letter of Acceptance, and other necessary information.


Academics & Students Life

1. Academic Calendar

Academic transcript will be sent to home institution for exchange students for credit transfer in mid-August and in mid-February. Academic transcript for visiting students will not be sent to the home institution from the OIA and visiting students must request for an issuance of academic transcript at the Registrar’s Office.



Grade Submission

Official Transcript Issuance

Spring Semester

2 March ~ Mid June

End of June

1st Week of August

Fall Semester

1 Sept ~ Mid December

End of December

1st Week of February

2. Courses

Majority of courses are taught in Korean but each college or department offers number of courses in English.  List of courses for a new semester is available at the beginning of January or July each year. Undergraduate students can take courses up to 18 credits and graduate students can take up to 12 credits.

3. Housing

– On-Campus Housing: The Gwanak campus is the main campus of the SNU.  Most colleges and schools are located at the Gwanak campus except for the College of Medicine, which is located at the Yeongun campus in northern part of Seoul.  Exchange students have a right to apply for the Kwanaksa (Gwanak campus dormitory), but it is not guaranteed to eventually get a room.

– Off-Campus Housing: Off-campus housing is available around the campus. SNU does not provide an assistance to find off-campus housing, and it is students’ own responsibility to find accommodation outside campus.   

4. Students Activities

SNU offers variety of students’ activities and sports clubs. Students clubs include musical bands, choir, orchestra, dance, painting, photography, students’ newspaper, traditional Korean music, travel clubs and SNU International Students Association. Sports clubs are available in fencing, golf, basketball, rugby, scuba-diving, snowboard, ski, horse riding, baseball, yacht, judo, kendo, soccer, taekwondo, tennis, etc. The most popular students clubs amongst these are taekwondo, judo, kendo and traveling clubs.

5. Estimated Budget to Study at SNU

Tuition Fee
(for Visiting Students ONLY)

Tuition fee varies depending on your major and year of your



300,000 KRW – 700,000 KRW / month

Local Transportation

200,000 KRW / month


500,000 KRW / month

Books/School Supplies

600,000 KRW / semester


100,000 KRW / month

Personal Expenses

300,000 KRW / month

Note: Above is only estimation and it may vary depending on personal budget


6. Insurance & Health Care

Travel Insurance

It is mandatory for every exchange/visiting student to obtain travel medical insurance. Students should comply with the following guidelines:

-You have to be insured by an insurance company which takes effect in your country or in Korea

– The insurance policy should cover sickness, accident and death during your study in SNU

– You can register for courses after submitting the copy of the insurance policy which states the above conditions

– Insurance policies in languages other than Korean or English should be notarized before submission

– In case the insurance expires before finishing the course, you have to resubmit the insurance policy copy or the notarized document after renewal or reapplication of the insurance policy

– Any inquiries and information regarding insurance should be conducted by yourselves with the staffs of insurance company. SNU does not involve in any insurance-related affairs


7. Visa

A student visa (D-2) is required to study in Korea if a student is not of Korean nationality.  In most cases, exchange students can acquire their D-2 visa easily when they present their Certificates of Admission issued by the SNU to the relevant passport officials in their home country.  Please contact your nearest Korean Embassy or consulate for more detailed information on the visa application process.