[공지] 2015학년도 제2학기 신입생 S-CARD 발급 안내 (How to Apply for S-CARD)
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구 분 | 기 능 | 신청기간 | 발급절차 | 비 고 |
S-CARD(ID + 금융카드) | ▶ 신분증 : 도서관, 건물출입, 식권할인▶ SNU 머니(학내전용 사이버머니) ▶ 금융기능 : 체크카드 ▶ K-CASH : 식대, 복사/프린터 결제 |
2015. 9. 1(화)∼
▶ 교내 NH농협 방문 →학생지원센터(67동 201호) ▶ 신분증 지참 |
▶ 증명사진(3×4)은 입학지원서 사진으로 대체 : 교체 희망자는 파일 전송 E-mail : student@snu.ac.kr 성명, 학과, 학번, 연락처 기재 |
모바일S-CARD | ▶ 모바일 신분증 : 도서관, 건물출입, 식권할인▶ S-CARD 서비스(발급 · 출입관리 등), 모바일 학생증, SNU 끼리, 문화캘린더, SNU 머니(학내전용 사이버머니) 등 |
2015. 9. 1(화)~ (S-CARD 발급 후) |
▶ S-CARD 발급 → S-CARD App 다운로드 및 설치(구글마켓/앱스토아)→ App 실행 후 로그인 → S-CARD 아이콘 →⊕ 아이콘 클릭 | ▶ 서울대 포털 계정 필수▶ 스마트폰의 NFC/QR 바코드 기능 이용 |
※ 입학일(2015. 9. 1.) 이전, 등록금 영수증을 제시하면 학생식당 식권 할인 및 중앙도서관 출입 가능
붙임 : 1. S-CARD 발급 안내 국·영문 각 1부
- S-CARD 정보공개내용 및 신청서 서식 1부
- 서울대 학생증 S-CARD 사용하기 1부. 끝
How to Apply for S-CARD
- Applicable from September 1, 2015
- Types of S-CARD
Type | Function | Application Procedure | Note |
ID S-CARD | ▶ ID: Allows you to access the library and any other buildings and get a discount on/off campus member stores▶ SNU Money (Cyber money only available on campus) | Visit the Student Help Center (Room 201 in Building #67) with your official ID | Bring your photo (Size 3*4cm) or send it to the Student Help Center by an email (student@snu.ac.kr) with your Name / Department / Student Number / Contact number |
S-CARD(ID + Debit Card) | ▶ ID: Allows you to access the library and any other buildings and get a discount on/off campus member stores▶ SNU Money (Cyber money only available on campus)▶ Debit Card function at NongHyup bank. | NongHyup bank on campus with your Alien Registration Card and then visit the Student Help Center | Bring your photo (Size 3*4cm) or send it to the Student Help Center by an email (student@snu.ac.kr) with your Name / Department / Student Number / Contact number |
MobileS-CARD | ▶ ID: Allows you to access the library and any other buildings and get a discount on/off campus member stores▶ S-CARD Services: Mobile Student Card, SNU Money (Cyber money only available on campus) etc. | Get a card-type S-CARD → Download S-CARD Application (Google Market or App Store) → Running the Application and login → Click the icon of S-CARD | Only students who have an account of mySNU can get this card. Also, it allows you to access to barcode of NFC/QRof smart phones |
- Mobile S-CARD: You can download and use it only if getting a card-type S-CARD first.
- Students who already graduated or completed your degree in SNU cannot apply for S-CARD but students who registered as a researcher can do.
- Register S-CARD: After getting your card-type S-CARD, you must officially register on the website (http://scard.snu.ac.kr) or Mobile Application S-CARD in advance.
- Inquiries: Student Help Center in Office of Student Affairs
- Location: 2nd floor of Building #67 (Du-re-mun-ye-gwan)
- Tel.: +82-2-880-5248 or 5249
- E-mail: student@snu.ac.kr