4단계 BK21 사업
사업단 연차별 성과
Eung Tae Kim and Sungmin Kim, “Development of a modular garment assembly line simulator“, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 32(5), 645-659, 2020.09
Eung Tae Kim and Sungmin Kim, “Development of smart insole for cycle time measurement in sewing process“, Fashion and Textiles, 8(3), 1-11, 2021.01
Sanghyun Roh, Minwoo Song, Kyeongeun Lee, Kangsoo Park, and Jooyoun Kim, “Experimental and Computational Investigation of Intra- and Interlayer Space for Enhanced Depth Filtration and Reduced Pressure Drop“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(41), 46804–46815, 2020.09
Seojin Jung, Jehyung Yi, and Jooyoun Kim, “Nonwoven characteristics effective for blood-resistant particulate filtration for healthcare application“, Journal of Industrial Textiles, Online First Published, 2020.09
Ji Soo Lee, Hyun Ji Kim, Seojin Jung, Jooyoun Kim, Min Wook Lee, “Repair of Disposable Air Filters by Solution-Blown Nano/Micro Fibrous Patches“, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3(11), 11344–11351, 2020.11
Seojin Jung, Tahmineh Hemmatian, ,Eugene Song Kyeongeun Lee, Dongwan Seo, Jehyung Yi, Jooyoun Kim “Disinfection Treatments of Disposable Respirators Influencing the Bactericidal/Bacteria Removal Efficiency, Filtration Performance, and Structural Integrity“, Polymers, 13(1), 45, 2020.12
Thomas Webbe Kerekes, Hangil You, Tahmineh Hemmatian, Jooyoun Kim “Enhancement of mechanoluminescence sensitivity of SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+/Epoxy composites by ultrasonic curing treatment method“, Composite Interfaces, 28(1), 77-99, 2021.01
Jinwook Lee, Kyeongeun Lee, Jooyoun Kim, “Fiber-Based Gas Filter Assembled via In Situ Synthesis of ZIF-8 Metal Organic Frameworks for an Optimal Adsorption of SO2: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(1), 1620-1631, 2021.01
Tahmineh Hemmatian, Halim Lee, Jooyoun Kim, “Bacteria Adhesion of Textiles Influenced by Wettability and Pore Characteristics of Fibrous Substrates“, Polymers, 13(2), 223, 2021.01
Kyeongeun Lee, Seojin Jung, Jiyul Lee, Dongwan Seo, and Jooyoun Kim “Probing the Nanoparticle Loading Characteristics and the Filtration Performance with the Continuous and Intermittent Use of Disposable Filtering Masks“, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(2),2167-2174, 2021.02
Ji-Hyun Oh, Myoung-Woon Moon, Chung Hee Park, “Effect of Crystallinity on the Recovery rate of Superhydrophobicity in Plasma-nanostructured Polymers“, RSC Adv, 10, 10939-10948, 2020.10
Yoonkyung Cho, Chung Hee Park, “Objective quantification of surface roughness parameters affecting superhydrophobicity“, RSC Adv, 10, 31251-31260, 2020.10
Hyae Rim Hong, Chung Hee park, “The influence of nanostructure on the wetting transition of polyvinylidene fluoride nanoweb: from the petal effect to the lotus effect“, Textile Research Journal, 1-14, 2020.09
Shinyoung Kim, Ji-Hyun Oh, Chung Hee Park, “Development of energy-efficient superhydrophobic polypropylene fabric by oxygen plasma etching and thermal aging“, Polymers, 2756, 2020.11
Hyewon Kim, Ji-Hyun Oh and Chung Hee Park, “Superhydrophobic fabric mixed with polyester and cotton yarns modified by alkaline treatment and thermal aging“, Textile Research Journal, 12(11), 2756, 2020.12
Juyeon Park, “The role of base-layer cooling conditions in human error occurrences during doffing of personal protective equipment in health care“, RSC Adv, 10,10939-10948, 2020.10
Raffaele Donvito, Gaetano Aiello, Laura Grazzini, Bruno Godey, Daniele Pederzoli, Klaus-Peter Wiedmann, Chris Halliburton, Priscilla Chan, Junji Tsuchiya, Irina Ivanovna Skorobogatykh, Hyunjoo Oh, Rahul Singh, Mike Ewing, Yuri Lee, Li Fei, Cindy Rong Chen, Noel Yee-Man Siu, “Does congruence explain luxury brand attachment? The results of an international research study“, Journal of Business Research. 120, 462-472, 2020.11
Ha Youn Kim, Yuri Lee , Erin Chon, Yeo JIn Jung, “Digital atmosphere of fashion retail stores“, Fashion and Textiles, 7(30), 1-17, 2020.09
Jiyeon Lee, Yuri Lee, Sunwoo Kim, “The effects of consumers’ in-store technology experience on perceived interactivity, retail brand commitment, and revisit intention in a Korean beauty store“, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37(6), 534-546, 2020.10
Sunyang Park, Yuri Lee, “Scale development of sustainable consumption of clothing products“, Sustainability, 13(1), 115, 2021
Inwha Kim, Hye Jung Jung, Yuri Lee, “Consumers’ Value and Risk Perceptions of Circular Fashion: Comparison between Secondhand, Upcycled, and Recycled Clothing“, Sustainability, 13(3) 2021
Nigel A.S. Taylor, Joo-Young Lee, Siyeon Kim, Sean R. Notley, “Physiological interactions with personal-protective clothing, physically demanding work and global warming: An Asia-Pacific perspective“, Journal of Thermal Biology, 97, (Available online 21 Jan 2021, 102858)
Seon-Hong Seol, Gyu-Tae Bae, Nigel A. S. Taylor, Joo-Young Lee, “Hand and forearm cooling: exploring deep-body cooling in hyperthermic individuals following exercise-induced heating at three different work rates“, Industrail Health, (Accepted on Jan 20)
Juha Park, Jaehoon Chun, “How does watching YouTube fashion content impact perception of appearance: a phenomenological study of Korean women in Generation Z“, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(1), 1-11, 2020.12
JongSun Kim, Dongsoo Choi, Sangyoun Kim, Jisoo Ha, “Development of a haptic communication system for fashion image experience in a virtual environment“, 복식문화연구, 28(5), 705-718 2020.10
이지선, 전재훈, “패션산업의 법적 보호와 소송 동향 -한국과 미국의 사례를 중심으로–“ 한국의류학회지, 44(6), 1120-1138, 2020.12
최윤정, 장세윤, 이유리, “북한이탈주민의 자아존중감과 한국 사회 적응의 관계 – 한국에서 경험한 의생활 어려움의 조절과를 중심으로-“, 복식문화연구, 728(6), 845-857, 2020.12
권주연, 정다희, 김시연, 정원영, 이주영, “겨울철 전자 기기 사용을 위한 전도성 보온장갑의 착용성 평가: 손의 기민성과 사용성, 체온조절 반응을 중심으로“, 한국의류산업학회지, 22(5),686-695, 2020.10
김도희, 이주영, “국내 농업 종사자용 농약 방제복의 보호 및 쾌적성능 평가: 소재 및 완제품의 물리화학적 특성“, 한국지역사회생활과학회, 31(4), 559-573, 2020.10
정재연, 강찬혁, 성유찬, 장세혁, 이주영, “휴식과 운동 중 COVID-19 대응 보건용 마스크 착용이 호흡·심혈관계 반응 및 착용감에 미치는 영향“, 한국의류산업학회지, 22(6), 867-872, 2020.12
유해민, 전재훈, “재료 및 기법의 특성에 기반하는 업사이클 패션 디자인 연구“, 한국의류학회지, 44(5), 984-1003, 2020.10
김규연, 하지수, “성소수자의 복식을 통한 젠더 정체성 표현“, 한국패션디자인학회지, 20(4), 1-22 2020.10
어경진, 하지수, “국내 패션 디자이너 브랜드 개성 구성요인에 관한 질적 연구“, 한국의류산업학회지, 22(6), 705-715, 2020.12
Kyeongeun Lee, Jungtaek Oh, Dongwhan Kim, Jinbok Yoo, Gun Jin Yun, Jooyoun Kim, “Effects of the filter microstructure and ambient air condition on the aerodynamic dispersion of sneezing droplets: A multiscale and multiphysics simulation study“, Physics of Fluids, 33:063317, 2021.06
Sun Woo Kim,Sungmin Kim, Chang Kyu Park, “Study on the Standardization of a Smart Garment Label“, Textile Science and Engineering, 58(4), 183-191, 2021.08
Yeonghoon Kang, Koh Woon Kim, Woo Bin Kim, “A Qualitative Study on Tattoo Behavior in Contemporary Society – Focused on the MZ Generation in Korea –“, Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 71(5), 20-37, 2021.10
Yoo-Jeong Lee, Sungmin Kim, “Feature-based fashion flat sketch design using automatic module alignment algorithm“, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 33(5), 808-821, 2021.11
Kyeongeun Lee, Jungtaek Oh, Dongwhan Kim, Jinbok Yoo, Gun Jin Yun, Jooyoun Kim, “Effects of the filter microstructure and ambient air condition on the aerodynamic dispersion of sneezing droplets: A multiscale and multiphysics simulation study“, Physics of Fluids, 33(6), 063317 1-15, 2021.06
Jinwook Lee, Seojin Jung, Hanjou Park, Jooyoun Kim, “Bifunctional ZIF-8 Grown Webs for Advanced Filtration of Particulate and Gaseous Matters: Effect of Charging Process on the Electrostatic Capture of Nanoparticles and Sulfur Dioxide”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(42), 50401-50410, 2021.10
Kyeongeun Lee, Yeon-Woo Jung, Hanjou Park, Dongmi Kim, Jooyoun Kim, “Sequential Multiscale Simulation of a Filtering Facepiece for Prediction of Filtration Efficiency and Resistance in Varied Particulate Scenarios”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(48), 57908-57920, 2021.11
Seoyoun Kim, Yoonkyung Cho, Chung Hee Park, “Effect of cotton fabric properties on fiber release and marine biodegradation”, Textile Research Journal, 1-16, 2021.12
Ellen Mckinney, Kristen Morris, Yingying Wu, Linsey Griffin, Susan Sokolowski, Robin Carufel, Juyeon Park, “Understanding firewomen’s fit problems with their coats and pants and its impact on mobility and safety”, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 69(2), 449-464, 2021.06
Juyeon Park, Jennifer Paff Ogle, “How virtual avatar experience interplays with self-concepts: the use of anthropometric 3D body models in the visual stimulation process“, Fashion and Textiles, 8(1), 1-24, 2021.07
Hyung Jin Son, Yuri Lee, Ha Youn Kim, “The Effect of Prosthetics attributes on Impression and Body Image”, Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 71(2), 21-43, 2021.04
Jinsu Park, Yuri Lee, “Luxury haul video creator’s nonverbal communication and viewer intention to subscribe on YouTube”, Social Behavior and Personality, 49(6), 1-15, 2021.06
Doyeon Yoon, Yuri Lee, “Conversational AI Voice Shopping Service: MZ Generation vs. Baby Boom Generation”, Journal of Consumer Studies, 32(3), 73-93, 2021.06
Songmee Kim, Seyoon Jang, Woojin Choi, Chorong Youn, Yuri Lee, “Contactless service encounters among Millennials and Generation Z: the effects of Millennials and Gen Z characteristics on technology self-efficacy and preference for contactless service”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2021.11
Nigel A.S. Taylor, Joo-Young Lee, Siyeon Kim, Sean R. Notley, “Physiological interactions with personal-protective clothing, physically demanding work and global warming: An Asia-Pacific perspective”, Journal of Thermal Biology, 97, 1-35, 2021.04
JuYoun Kwon, Siyeon Kim, Yoon Jeong Baek, Joo-Young Lee, “Comparison and Evaluation of Clothing Insulation of Newly-Developed Air-Filled Baffle Jackets and Down Padded Jackets”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(2), 261-272, 2021.04
Do-Hee Kim, Yelin Ko, Joung Yoon Choi, Joo-Young Lee, “Thermal Protective Performance of Firefighting Gloves Assessed via Full-scale Fire Test”, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 28(2), 178-188, 2021.04
Siyeon Kim, Dahee Jung, Joo-Young Lee, Jihyun Kwon, Daeyoung Lim, Wonyoung Jeong, “User Experience Analysis of a Shoe-mounted Gait Analysis Tracker”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(3), 390-405, 2021.06
Jae-Yeon Jung, Joo-Young Lee, “Effects of Heating and UV Sterilization of Repeatedly Reused Face Masks on Inhalation Resistance and Fiber Structure”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(3), 406-414, 2021.06
Yoon Jeong Baek, Seung-Hyun Kim, Sayup Kim, Eui-Sang Yoo, Joo-Young Lee, “Effects of air mattress pressure on sleep quality and physiological responses: comparison of shoulder and hip pressure relief”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2021. 07
Juyoun Kwon, Kijoon Kim, Jeongkyun Ju, Joo-Young Lee, “Performance evaluation of water-repellent combat uniforms using a static manikin and human subjects under a rainfall tower system”, Fashion and Textiles, 8, 2021.08
Seon-Hong SEOL, Gyu-Tae BAE, Nigel A.S. TAYLOR, Joo-Young Lee, “Hand and forearm cooling: Exploring deepbody cooling in hyperthermic individuals following exercise-induced heating at three different work rates”, Industrial Health, 59(3), 161-170, 2021.08
Jae-Yeon Jung, Joo-Young Lee, “Comparison of Fit Factor and Total Inward Leakage of Face Masks: Exploratory Evaluation by Mask Designs and Face Panels“, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 28(4), 377-390, 2021.08
Do-Hee KIM, Kibum Nam, Jung-Woo Oh, Joo-Young Lee, “Evaluation of Firefighting Gloves and the Behavior Regarding their Usage, of Firefighting Officials in Seoul”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(4), 515-526, 2021.08
Yoon Jeong Baek, Kayoung Cho, Yujin Hong, Joo-young Lee, “Effects of Air Velocity on the Thermal Insulation of Winter-padded Clothing Ensembles at 10°C Air Temperature -Comparison of Human Wear Trials with a Thermal Manikin-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(4), 703-713, 2021.08
Ga-Young Lim, Hye-Lin Lee, Young-Min Chun, Joo-Young Lee, “Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Improvement of Thermal Comfort and Development of a Mobility Test Protocol”, The Korean Society of Community Living Science, 32(3), 363-379, 2021.08
Do-Hee KIM, Siyeon KIM, Joo-Young LEE, “An empirical investigation of firefighting personal protective equipment and burn injuries in Korea”, Industrial Health, 2021.10
Tyler D. Quinn, Borja Gutierrez-Santamaria, Iker Saez, Aitor Santisteban, Joo-Young Lee, Jung-Hyun Kim, Aitor Coca, “Comparison of three internationally certified firefighter protective ensembles: Physiological responses, mobility, and comfort”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 86, 1-7, 2021.11
Jung, Heekyung, Jaehoon Chun, “Music Messages in Björk’s Fashion”, Korean Society of Fashion Design, 21(3), 119-136, 2021.09
손주희, 전재훈, “오스카 슐레머의 Triadic Ballet의 영향을 받은 현대 아티스트 무대의상의 조형적 특성 – 아힘 프라이어, 안드레이 바르테네브, 어슐러 색스를 중심으로 –.”, Journal of Fashion Design, 21(1), 157-173, 2021.03
Jisun Lee, Jaehoon Chun, “Analysis of Fashion News Based on News Value Assessment Criteria -Focused on Online Fashion News-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(2), 285-304, 2021.04
Jiwoon Jeong, Hyein Park, Yoojeong Lee, Jihye Kang, Jaehoon Chun, “Developing parametric design fashion products using 3D printing technology”, Fashion and Textiles, 8(22), 1-25, 2021.06
Yusun Her, Jaehoon Chun, “An Analysis of Beauty-Related Contents in Social Media in China, Thailand, and Indonesia”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(3), 307-322, 2021.06
Hee-Eun Yoo, Jaehoon Chun, “A Study on Rational Dress and Excape the Corset Expressed in Cartoons and Webtoons”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 5(6), 1017-1034, 2021.12
Ha-eok Jeong, Ho Jung Choo, Namhee Yoon, “Price Fairness Perception on the AI Algorithm Pricing of Fashion Online Platform”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(5), 892-906, 2021.10
Jaekyong Lee, Ho Jung Choo, Namhee Yoon, “An Exploratory Study on Makeup Rituals of Generation Z Consumers”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(2), 356-375, 2021.04
Heeyun Lee, Ha Kyung Lee, Ho Jung Choo, “The Effects of Fashion Influencers’ Body Types on Self-Expression, Self-Representation Intentions, and Recommendation Intentions – Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Familiarity –”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(2), 200-211, 2021.04
Terry Haekyung Kim, Ho Jung Choo, “Augmented reality as a product presentation tool: focusing on the role of product information and presence in AR”, Fashion and Textiles, 8(1), 1-23, 2021.07
Taeyoen Kim, Ha Kyung Lee, Ho Jung Choo, “The Impact of Backstage Information on Consumer Responses for Fashion Sharing Economy Service”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(4), 612-629, 2021.08
Soyoung Lim, Jisoo Ha, “21세기 안티패션의 특수성에 관한 연구 – 2000년부터 2020년까지 The New York Times의 기사를 중심으로 –”, Journal of Fashion Design, 21(1), 1-19, 2021.03
Sujin Park, Jisoo Ha, “현대 패션에 나타난 대량 예술의 특성”, Journal of Fashion Design, 21(1), 53-69, 2021.03
Kyuyeon Kim, Siyeon Kim, Daeyoung Lim, Jisoo Ha, Wonyoung Jeong, “Analysis of Design Elements and Heating System of Domestic and Foreign Commercial Electrical Heated Clothing”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(2), 273-289, 2021.04
Inhye Kim, Jisoo Ha, “Development of Evaluation Criteria for Fashion Sustainability Focused on User Practice”, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(2), 174-185, 2021.04
HyeJin Nam, Jisoo Ha, “The Expressive Characteristics and Meanings of Modern in Fashion -Focusing on Vogue and The New York Times-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 45(2), 317-334, 2021.04
Shin Young Jang, Jisoo Ha, “The influence of tactile information on the human evaluation of tactile properties”, Fashion and Textiles, 8(1), 1-14, 2021.09
Meina Yin, Jisoo Ha, “The Chinese Style” of Chinese New Generation Fashion Designers in Shanghai Fashion Week“, Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 23(5), 545-558, 2021.10
Juyeon Park, “The role of base-layer cooling conditions in human error occurrences during doffing of personal protective equipment in health care”, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 28(2), 1016-1024, 2022.01
Songmee Kim, Seyoon Jang, Woojin Choi, Chorong Youn, Yuri Lee, “Contactless service encounters among Millennials and Generation Z: the effects of Millennials and Gen Z characteristics on technology self-efficacy and preference for contactless service”, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 16(1), 82-100, 2022.02
Seyoon Jang, Ha Youn Kim; Yuri Lee, Jinseok Seol, Seongjae Kim, Sang-goo Lee, “Deep Learning for Classification of High-End Fashion Brand Sensibility“, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(1), 165-181, 2022.02
Yoon Jeong Baek, Kayoung Cho, Yujin Hong, Joo-Young Lee, “Which Jacket Is Thermo-physiologically and Psychologically Warmer between Long-padded Jackets Filled with Goose Down and Polyester in a Windy and Cold Environment?”, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 29(1), 16-29, 2022.02
Do-Hee KIM, Siyeon Kim, Joo-Young LEE, “An empirical investigation of firefighting personal protective equipment and burn injuries in Korea”, Industrial Health, 60(1), 2-15, 2022.01
Soojung Kang, Jaehoon Chun, “Digitalization of Fashion Shows in the Pandemic Era – A Focus on Fashion Films and Fashion Gamification –”, Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 24(1), 29-41, 2022.02
Juha Park, Yusun Her, Ha Kyung Lee, Jaehoon Chun, “Social Media Usage and Social Capital -Focused on Fashion Instagram and YouTube-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(1), 99-115, 2022.02
Gahyun Kim, Jisoo Ha, “Tattoo Culture in Korea from the Perspective of Post-subculture”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(1), 63-79, 2022.02
Jiseon Ahn, Sungmin Kim, “Automated Textile Circuit Generation using Machine Vision and Embroidery Technique”, Textile Research Journal, 92(11-12), 1977-1986. 2022.06
Yoonkyung Cho, Sungmin Kim, Chung Hee Park, “Surface Wettability Prediction Using Image Analysis and an Artificial Neural Network”, Langmuir, 38(23), 7208-7217, 2022.06
Yeonghoon Kang, Hyeryeon Park, Sungmin Kim, “Development of a Customized Helmet Design System for Patients with Plagiocephaly”, Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 24(4), 443-450, 2022.08
Yoonkyung Cho, Jooyoun Kim, Chung Hee Park, “Characterization of Critical Roughness Indicators by Digital Image Processing to Predict Contact Angles on Hydrophobic Surfaces”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 285, 125858, 2022.06
Halim Lee, Hyungwoo Lee, Soyeon Ahn, Jooyoun Kim, “MIL-100(Fe)-Hybridized Nanofibers for Adsorption and Visible Light Photocatalytic Degradation of Water Pollutants: Experimental and DFT Approach”, ACS Omega, 7(24), 21145-21155, 2022.06
Suhyun Lee, Soyeon Ahn, Halim Lee, Jooyoun Kim, “Layer-by-layer coating of MIL-100(Fe) on a cotton fabric for purification of water-soluble dyes by the combined effect of adsorption and photocatalytic degradation”, RSC Advances, 12(27), 17505-17513, 2022.06
Eugene Song, Kyeongeun Lee, Jooyoun Kim, “Tetrazolium-Based Visually Indicating Bacteria Sensor for Colorimetric Detection of Point of Contamination“, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(33), 38153-38161, 2022.08
Seojin Jung, Seokhee Chang, Na-Eun Kim, Seong-O Choi, Yoon-Jae Song, Yue Yuan, Jooyoun Kim, “Curcumin/Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 Nanoparticle-Integrated Microneedles for pH-Responsive Treatment of Skin Disorders”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(9), 13671-13679, 2022.09
Jiyul Lee, Kyeongeun Lee, Hanjou Park, Jooyoun Kim, “Environmental storage conditions influencing the filtration behavior of electret filters with repeated use”, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 52, 2022.09
Jinwook Lee, Jaeseon Yoo, Jooyoun Kim, “Copper 2-Methylimidazole Nanostructure-Based Colorimetric Fabric Sensor for Real-Time Monitoring of Ambient Sulfur Oxides”, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5(11), 17304-17314, 2022.11
Hanjou Park, Jeongmin Oh, Yaewon Park, Sungmin Kim, Jooyoun Kim, “Environmentally Sustainable Particulate Filter Fabricated via Induced Phase Separation of Bioderived Fungal Chitin and Poly(lactic acid)”, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022.12
Hyae Rim Hong, Joon Seok Lee, Chung Hee Park, “Effect of the Geometrical Structure on the Superhydrophobicity and Self-Cleaning Properties of Plasma-Treated Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fabrics”, ACS Omega, 7(30), 26275-26288, 2022.07
Hyae Rim Hong, Chung Hee Park, “Stabilizing the Energy Harvesting of PVDF-Fabric-Based TENGs Exposed to Moisture and Dust Particles by O-2 and CF4 Plasma Treatments”, ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES, 2200655, 2022.07
Da Bin Kim, Ju Han, Sun Min Sung, Min Seong Kim, Bo Kyoung Choi, Sung Jun Park, Hyae Rim Hong, Hong Je Choi, Byeong Kon Kim, Chung Hee Park, Jong Hoo Paik, “Weave-pattern-dependent fabric piezoelectric pressure sensors based on polyvinylidene fluoride nanofibers electrospun with 50 nozzles”, NPJ FLEXIBLE ELECTRONICS, 69, 1-9, 2022.08
Ji Min Lee, Suhyun Lee, Chung Hee Park, “Dynamic behaviors of water droplets on superhydrophobic polyester films and woven and knitted fabrics”, Textile Research Journal, 92(21-22), 4450-4469, 2022.06
Hyewon Kim, Sungmin Kim, Chung Hee Park, “Improvement in drying performance through sample movement change in tumble dryers”, Textile Research Journal, 92(23-24), 4814-4833, 2022.07
Jiyul Lee, Changsang Yun, Chung Hee Park, “Effect of Fabric Characteristics and Drum Rotation Speeds on the Movements and Drying Performances of Clothes in a Tumble Dryer”, Fibers and Polymers, 23(6), 1741-1752, 2022.04
Kayna Hobbs-Murphy, Kristen Morris, Juyeon Park, “A Case Study of Developing a Paralympic Shooting Jacket for Disabled Athletes”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 1-18, 2022.05
Soo-Min Lee, So-Hyun Lee, Juyeon Park, “A multidimensional approach to wearability assessment of an electronic wrist bracelet for the criminal justice system”, Fashion and Textiles, 9(25), 1-19, 2022.08
Soo-Min Lee, Woo-Kyun Jung, Juyeon Park, Sung-Hoon Ahn, “Development of a 4D hand gripping aid using a knitted shape memory alloy and evaluation of finger-bending angles in elderly women”, Fashion and Textiles, 9(11), 1-16, 2022.04
Woo-Kyun Jung, Soo-Min Lee, Sung-Hoon Ahn, Juyeon Park, “Development and assessment of a knitted shape memory alloy-based multifunctional elbow brace”, Journal of Industrial Textiles, 51(2), 1989S-2009S, 2022.06
Brittany Conroy, Juyeon Park, “Codesigning a ballistic body armour with an industry partner and local police officers: focused on improving ergonomic fit and comfort”, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 15(3), 308-321, 2022.03
Sun Young Choi, Jeyeon Jo, Yuri Lee, Jisoo Ha, Joeun Lee, “A cross-cultural study of the proximity of clothing to self between millennial women in South Korea and Mongolia.”, Fashion and Textiles, 9(19), 1-23, 2022.06
Songmee Kim, Seyoon Jang, Yuri Lee, Woojune Jin, Ha Youn Kim, “Exploratory Study on Purchasing Fashion Products from Small Business Owners -Focusing on the Consumer Life Cycle and Purchasing Stage-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(5), 805-826, 2022.10
Seyoon Jang, Yuri Lee, Ha Youn Kim, “Study on the Priorities of Fashion Technology Development for Small-Scale Fashion Designer Brands using IPA Analysis”, Journal of Fashion Business, 26(4), 64-82, 2022.09
Jin Jeong, Songmee Kim, Yuri Lee, “Merchandising Strategy of University Identity through Collaboration with Fashion Brands”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(2), 232-249, 2022.04
Yujeong Won, Hyejung Jung, Yuri Lee, “A Study on Information Types and Value Perception of Fashion Rental Service Platforms”, Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(2), 113-131, 2022.04
Do-Hee Kim, ChengZhuJin, JaMin, Jung-Woo Oh, Joo-Young Lee, “Self-identified Thermal Perception and Wearing Habits of Elderly Korean Chinese in Yanji City, Jilin, China”, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 29(6), 613-624, 2022.12
Heeyoung Ju, Kyu Rang Kim, Andrew Gorski, Joo-Young Lee, “Sex-related Differences in Cognitive Heat Stress and Thermoregulatory Behavior of Adults in Urban Areas During Summer”, The Korean Society of Community Living Science, 33(4). 589-605, 2022.11
Do-Hee Kim, Joo-Young Lee, “Heat strain while wearing pesticide protective clothing in hot environments: effects of textile physical properties and ambient humidity”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 93(103388), 2022.12
Hyun-Soo Kim, Maria Stenkina, Ga-Young Lim, Yujean Ghim, Do-Hee Kim, Joo-Young Lee, “Relationships between Hand Morphology and Heat Flow from the Hand During Exercise and Passive Heating”, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 29(5), 465-477, 2022.10
JuYoun Kwon, Ye-Sung Cho, Beom Hui Lee, Min-Seo Kim, Youngmin Jun, Joo-Young Lee, “Validity of a Simulated Practical Performance Test to Evaluate the Mobility and Physiological Burden of COVID-19 Healthcare Workers Wearing Personal Protective Equipment”, Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 24(5), 655-665, 2022.10
Yutaka Tochihara, Joo-Young Lee, Su-Young Son, Ilham Bakri, “Heat Strain of Japanese Firefighters Wearing Personal Protective Equipment: a Review for Developing a Test Method”, Ergonomics, 1-14, 2022.08
Yutaka Tochihara, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Joo-Young Lee, Titis Wijayanto, Nobuko Hashiguchi, Mohamed Saat, “How humans adapt to hot climates learned from the recent research on tropical indigenes”, Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 41(27), 1-14, 2022.07
Ju-Hyun Moon, Sang-Hyun Roh, Joo-Young Lee, “Determining Proper Surface Temperature for Radiant Heaters to Warm Passengers in Electric Vehicles: Effects of Heating Size, Body Region and Body Mass Index”, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 29(3), 261-270, 2022.06
Heeyoung Ju, Dahee Jung, Sang Hyun Roh, Minhee Lee, Syifa Salsabila, Ga-Young Lim, Hye-Lin Lee, Cho-Eun Lee, Ju-Hyun Moon, Kyu Rang Kim, Joo-Young Lee, “Relationships between WBGT and Heat-stress Cognition and Thermoregulatory Behavior of Seoul and Busan Residents in Summer”, The Korean Society of Living Environmental System, 29(2), 149-164, 2022.04
Yoon-Jeong Baek, Heeyoung Ju, Joo-Young Lee, Kyung Wha Oh, “Effects of wearing knee-guards on skin pressure and skin blood flow during soccer motions”, Fashion and Textiles, 9(1), 1-13, 2022.04
Kyu Rang Kim, Joo-Young Lee, Ju-Young Shin, “Determination of thermal sensation levels for Koreans based on perceived temperature and climate chamber experiments with hot and humid settings”, International Journal of Biometeorology, 66, 1095-1107, 2022.03
Yutaka TOCHIHARA, Joo-Young LEE, Su-Young SON, “A review of test methods for evaluating mobility of firefighters wearing personal protective equipment”, Industrial Health, 60(2), 106-120, 2022.03
Ilham Bakri, Yutaka Tochihara, Joo-Young Lee, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, “Effect of personal protective equipment on the physiological responses of different body weight groups of firefighters”, Journal of the Human-Environment System, 24(1), 11-16, 2022.03
Yoon Jeong Baek, Seung-Hyun Kim, Sayup Kim, Eui-Sang Yoo, Joo-Young Lee, “Effects of air mattress pressure on sleep quality and physiological responses: comparison of shoulder and hip pressure relief”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 34(2), 189-205, 2022.03
Areum Jeong, Jaehoon Chun, “A Study on Koreans’ Preference for Amekaji-look”, Journal of Fashion Design, 22(1), 121-141, 2022.03
Juha Park, Jaehoon Chun, “Expressing lookism on YouTube fashion channels: Perceptions of young Korean women”, International Journal of Fashion Studies, 9(1), 87-107, 2022.04
Ju Hee Son, Jaehoon Chun, “Surrealistic Characteristics Expressed in Ignasi Monreal’s Fashion Illustrations -Focusing on the 2018 S/S Gucci Hallucination Collection-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(3), 407-423, 2022.06
Hyein Park, Yusun Her, Jaehoon Chun, “Posting of Fashion Influencers from the Perspective of Looking-glass Self Theory”, Journal of Fashion Design, 22(2), 15-34, 2022.06
Jiwoon Jeong, Jaehoon Chun, “Sustainability Practices and Implications of Fashion Brands at the Vegan Fashion Week”, Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 24(4), 357-371, 2022.08
Hyunyung Son, Jaehoon Chun, “The Characteristics of Fashion Memes on Social Media”, Journal of Fashion Design, 22(3), 55-73, 2022.09
Jiwon Lee, Jaehoon Chun, “Development of 3D Printed Bags Using Roll-Type Printing Method”, Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 24(5), 505-518, 2022.10
Juha Park, Ki Yong Kwon, Jaehoon Chun, “The Effect of Generation Z’s Need for Uniqueness and Fashion Leadership on Symbolic Consumption”, Journal of Fashion Design, 22(4), 19-35, 2022.12
Woo Bin Kim, Hee Jun Hur, Ho Jung Choo, “Case Study on Fashion Brand Flagship Store in Metaverse -Focusing on Fashion Brand in ZEPETO”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 43(3), 545-563, 2022.06
Ho Jung Choo, Ju Yeun Jang, Eunsoo Baek, Ha Kyung Lee, Habin Kim, “A Study on the Multidimensional Consumption Value of Vietnamese MZ Generation -Focusing on the Relationship between Consumption Value Factors, Demographic Characteristics, and Global Consumption Propensity-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(5), 848-867, 2022.10
Ho Jung Choo, Ha Kyung Lee, Jiali Xie, “Consumers’ cultural identity under glocalization: Vietnamese consumers’ global and national identities and their cross-cultural consumption”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2022.07
Woo Bin Kim, Ho Jung Choo, “How virtual reality shopping experience enhances consumer creativity: The mediating role of perceptual curiosity”, Journal of Business Research, 154, 1-13, 2022.10
Joohyung Lee, Jisoo Ha, “Korean Middle-aged Women’s Sports and Sportswear – Focused on Women in Their 40s and 50s on Social Media –”, Journal of Fashion Design, 22(1), 59-80, 2022.03
Keyu Fan, Jisoo Ha, “A Study on Characteristics of Underground Rappers’ Fashion: Focusing on the Comparison Between China and Korea”, Fashion and Textile Research Journal, 24(5), 493-504, 2022.10
Dawool Jung, Jisoo Ha, “A Study on Retro Fashion Culture in South Korea from the Perspective of Nostalgia -A Focus on Newspapers-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(5), 789-804, 2022.10
Sujin Park, Jisoo Ha, “Analyzing the Influence of Face Masks on Fashion Product Selection Criteria -An Exploratory Study Focusing on Korean Women in Their Twenties and Thirties-”, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 46(2), 292-309, 2022.04
Hee Eun Choi, Youngshil Ryoo, Kuengmi Choi, “Development of a quantitative system for subjective evaluation of tracked vehicle crew jackets”, Fashion and Textiles, 9(16), 1-20, 2022.05
4차년도 2023.03.01~2024.02.28
Yeonghoon Kang and Sungmin Kim, “Analyzing the changes in anthropometric measurements with various postures using three-dimensional scanning technology", Journal of Engineering Fibers and Fabrics, 18, 1-15, 2023.4
Hyohyun Kim, Sungmin Kim, and Chang Kyu Park, "Prediction of fabric drape coefficient using simple measurement method", Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 18, 1-8, 2023.5
Eunbi Yun, Sungmin Kim, and Changsang Yun, "Development of digitized evaluation methods for fabric shrinkage and damage using image analysis", Fashion and Textiles, 10(23), 1-13, 2023.6
Minsuk Kim and Sungmin Kim, "Effects of step-by-step line balancing in apparel assembly line", Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 18, 1-10, 2023.8
Yoonkyung Cho and Sungmin Kim, "Prediction of optimum alkaline hydrolysis conditions for imparting superhydrophobicity to large-area fabrics using three-dimensional modeling", Textile Research Journal, 93(15), 3703-3716, 2023.8
Jihyun Oh and Sungmin Kim, "Automatic generation of parametric patterns from grading patterns using artificial intelligence", International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 35(6), 889-903, 2023.10 Minjoo Kang, Jongsun Kim, and Sungmin Kim, "Unsupervised generation of fashion editorials using deep generative model", Fashion and Textiles, 11(4), 1-20, 2024.1
Kyeongeun Lee, Dongmi Kim, Jooyoun Kim, "Computational modeling of multiscale air filter media consisting of nano and microfibers", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6(11), 9415-9425, 2023.5
Seojin Jung, Seokhee Chang, Na-Eun Kim, Yoon-Jae Song, Jooyoun Kim, "ZIF-8 based active wound dressing for pH modulation and pH-responsive delivery of curcumin and Zn2+", Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 308(11), 2300141, 2023.6
Hyae Rim Hong, Jooyoun Kim,"Nanoroughness-mediated bacterial adhesion on fabrics", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6(19), 18518-18530, 2023.9
Jinwook Lee, Jooyoun Kim,"Cooperative design of Ag3PO4/NH2-MIL-88B (Fe/Co) heterojunction integrated with conductive polypyrrole for advanced photocatalytic water purification", ACS Omega, 9(5), 5942-5953, 2024.1
Nasirzadeh, A., Yang, S-T., Yun, J., Yang, J., Yoon, Bae Y., Park J., Ahn, J., and Lee, G, "Influence of circumferential ankle pressur of shoe collar on the kinematics, dynamic stability, electromygraphy, and plantar pressure during normal walking", Plos One, 18(2), 1-16, 2023.
Lee, S. M., Jung, W.K. and Park J., "Mapping actuating performance of knitted Shape Memory Alloys and proposing desing guidelines for assistive wearable applications" Journal of Industrial Textiles, 53, 1-25, 2023