- 1991.3-1996.2 : 서울대학교 공과대학 섬유고분자공학과 (공학사)
- 1996.2-1998.2 : 서울대학교 대학원 섬유고분자공학과 (공학석사)
- 1998.2-2002.8 : 서울대학교 대학원 재료공학부 (공학박사)
- 박사학위논문 : 통합적 삼차원 어패럴 캐드 시스템 개발에 관한 연구
- 2019.9-현재 : 서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과 교수
- 2016.3-2019.8 : 서울대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과 부교수
- 2003.8-2016.2 : 전남대학교 공과대학 고분자융합소재공학부 교수
- 2010.8-2011.8 : 교환교수, Central Florida 대학교 공과대학 재료공학과
학회 활동 사항
- 한국의류학회
- 한국섬유공학회
- 한국의류산업학회
최근 연구업적
– 연구논문
- E. Kim, H. Shim, S. Unithrattil, Y. Kim, H. Choi, K. Ahn, J. Kwak, S. Kim, H. Yoon, and W. Im, “Effective Heat Dissipation from Color-Converting Plates in High-Power White Light Emitting Diodes by Transparent Graphene Wrapping”, ACS Nano, 10(1), 238-245 (2016)
- S. Kim, “Analysis of Human Body Surface Shape using Parametric Design Method”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 27(3), 434-446 (2015)
- J. Hwang, S. Kim, and C. Park, “Development of a Color Matching Algorithm for Digital Transfer Textile Printing using an Artificial Neural network and Multiple Regression”, Textile Research Journal, 85(10), 1076-1082 (2015)
- H. Noh, S. Lee, S. Bae, T. Kim, D. Lee, H. Lee, J. Hwang, T. Chung, S. Kim, J. Ha, and S. Lee, “Three-Dimensional Porous Copper- Graphene Heterostructures with Durability and High Heat Dissipation Performance”, Nature Scientific Reports, 5(12710), 1-7 (2015)
- S. Oh, M. Lee, and S. Kim, “Automatic Measurement of Yarn Crimp using Image Analysis”, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 42(2), 291-297 (2014)
- H. Han, J. Kim, S. Kim, H. Lim, and C. Park, “The Development of an Automatic Pattern Making System for Made-to-measure Clothing”, Fibers and Polymers, 15(2), 422-425 (2014)
- S. Yoon, S. Kim, and C. Park, “Development of an Objective Fabric Pilling Evaluation Method Part 1”, Fibers and Polymers, 14(5), 832-837 (2013)
- S. Yoon, S. Kim, and C. Park, “Development of an Objective Fabric Pilling Evaluation Method Part 2”, Fibers and Polymers, 14(12), 2157-2162 (2013)
- E. Koh and S. Kim, “Garment Pattern Nesting using Image Analysis and Three-Dimensional Simulation”, Fibers and Polymers, 14(5), 860-865 (2013)
- S. Kim, “Mass Production of Digital Garment using Multi-Option Data Structure”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 24(2/3), 89-101 (2012)
- S. Kim, “Simulation of Bespoke Garment using Parametrically Designed Patterns”, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 24(5), 350-362 (2012)
- K. Hong and S. Kim, “Objective Evaluation of Antimicrobial Property of Textile Materials using Image Analysis”, Fibers and Polymers, 12(8), 1048-1053 (2012)
- J. Lim and S. Kim, “Analysis of Woven Fabric Structure Using Image Analysis and Artificial Intelligence”, Fibers and Polymers, 12(8), 1062-1068 (2011)
- S. Kim and J. Lee, “Development of a Versatile Controller System for Textile Machinery”, Fibers and Polymers, 12(4), 550-555 (2011)
- S. Kim and J. Lee, “New Production Method for a Plain Weave Figured Fabric”, Fibers and Polymers, 12(1), 137-141 (2011)
- S. Kim, “Determination of Fabric Physical Properties for the Simulation of Cusick Drapemeter”, Fibers and Polymers, 12(1), 132-136 (2011)
- S. Kim, “Development of Parametric Design Method for Various Woven Fabric Structures”, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 6(4), 34-38 (2011)
– 저서
- 김대진, 김성민, 김진술, 김철홍, 박규해, 최수일, “전기전자 컴퓨터 공학기초”, 전남대학교 출판부, 2015
- 김성민, “엔지니어를 위한 C++ 빌더 프로그래밍”, 전남대학교 출판부, 2012
– 수상
- Fibers and Polymers 우수 논문상, 한국섬유공학회, 2011